The Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) has raised an on-line petition in the Scottish Parliament urging the Scottish Government to review its policy on the unfolding wild-goose debacle.
“Everyone seems to be aware of the terrible threat of escalating wild goose numbers” said SCF director Roddy MacDonald, “yet there is an apparent lack of Scottish Government action to do anything – in fact they are considering reducing the budget to control this pest. We have raised this petition in the Scottish Parliament to show the strength of feeling over this issue and to get some meaningful action before it is too late.”
The on-line petition calls on the Scottish Parliament “to urge the Scottish Government to address the problems created by increasing populations of wild geese in the crofting areas as a matter of priority; reassess its decision to stop funding existing goose management programmes, and assign additional resources to Crop Protection and Adaptive Management programmes to ensure this threat to the future of crofting is averted.”