Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the proposals put forward by the Scottish Government (SG) to amend crofting law. The consultation document is meticulous, is well written and clearly laid out, which is to be commended. We appreciate that the Crofting Futures Team also presented this document at a wide selection of venues in the crofting counties which gave crofters the opportunity to get clarification and to give opinions.
We are responding on behalf of our membership, currently in excess of 2000 individuals plus their families, who have been widely consulted and given the opportunity to contribute to the draft. We trust therefore that this will be given due weight.
Crofting legislation needs to be placed in the wider context of food production, land management, environment and social well-being in rural Scotland but it is our opinion that this bill fails to do this. We attempt to place crofting in this context before answering the consultation questions.
For a full copy of the SCF response please click on the PDF below