Each year one third of the SCF Board of Directors need to be replaced by rotation. Also directors retire for other reasons and need to be replaced. The normal number serving on the board is 8 or 9 (a maximum of 12 is allowed) and presently that number is 6; thus there are vacancies for 2 – 5 directors. Under the Company’s Articles (Art. 10) no new directors may be appointed unless they are each:
(a) Proposed by the Area Representatives Council, or
(b) Proposed by ten ordinary members, or
(c) Nominated by the existing board of directors
In respect to (a) and (b) above members and Area Representatives are urged to seek suitable candidates to indicate their willingness to serve as a director of the SCF’s board of directors. The position is not an onerous one but carries with it the responsibility of initiating company policy, attending to company business and general governance. There are four face-to-face meetings a year augmented by occasional teleconferences. A travel and subsistence allowance is paid for attending meetings away from home. Names of candidates, who must also be members of SCF, should be submitted in writing, to SCF HQ by not later than 19th September 2011.
Company Secretary 1st August 2011