FMD Compensation a Good Start


The announcement yesterday of a compensation scheme for sheep producers affected by the recent Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak was welcomed by the Scottish Crofting Foundation.

Speaking after the statement made in Parliament by Richard Lochhead, SCF Chairman Norman Leask said, “The offer of £6/head compensation payment for breeding ewes will help sheep producers recoup some of the losses of the last few months. It is a welcome start and we commend the Scottish Government for all their efforts thus far to support the agricultural sector in this difficult period.

For the longer term, we were very pleased to hear cross party agreement in Parliament yesterday on the need to shorten the supply chain and support more local abattoirs. This would undoubtedly help put in place a more regionalised response to any such crisis in the future and perhaps allow island groups such as the Shetlands and the Western Isles to keep markets open.”

Article by SCF

25 October 2007

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