The Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) has welcomed the publication of the National Development Plan for Crofting.
“There has been a huge amount of work put into this plan, by ourselves, other representative organisations, agencies and government officials, so it is really exciting to see it emerge into the light of day” said Donald MacKinnon, chair of SCF. “It doesn’t include everything that needs to be done, as I am sure will be pointed out, but let’s look at this as a working document that can be modified as necessary. The point is that we have a framework now that gives the direction of travel for the development of crofting, something we can work with, a large step in the right direction. The Scottish Government officials who led on this, who made it a participatory exercise and who did the leg-work getting it to publication stage, are to be congratulated for their efforts. It demonstrates that the Scottish Government does have a commitment to crofting.”
Mr MacKinnon added, “The publication of the National Development Plan for Crofting ties in with the publication of our ‘SCF Proposals for Manifestos’, a broad outline of what we want to see in the next session of government, whoever leads it. We encourage all crofters to read both of these documents and to feel welcome to let us know what they think. Read more here