Open Public Meetings – IACS single Application Form 2011

The SGRIPID Highland Area offices will be holding a series of public meetings to assist SFP/LFASS applicants in understanding what adjustments may be needed to the field areas upon which they have traditioanlly claimed.

Cross Complience issues will also be touched on and how to avoid deductions and penalties.

It is intended that these meetings will provide applicants an oppertunity to meet and discess, with local RPID staff, concerns that they might have about possible penalites arising from errors they make when completing their Single Application form.

The meetings will consist of a presentation followed by an open question session and there will be a number of staff in attendance to answer questions either in open session or on a one to one basis.

All meetings are due to start at 7.30pm promptly.

Monday 28th March at Lochaber Rural Education Trust, Fort William

Tuesday 29th March at Gairloch Community Hall

Thursday 31st at Eden Court, Inverness

Tuesday 5th April at Skye Camanachd Shinty Club House, Portree.

Tea and Coffee will be available afterwards.

For further information contact David Wright or Muriel Ross on 01463 234141.

April 6 @ 09:00
09:00 — 15:00 (6h)