The Scottish Crofting Federation has announced the launch of a new website which showcases food, crafts and holidays available from crofts throughout the Highlands & Islands. Chief Executive, Patrick Krause said “We are proud of the range and quality of produce from our members’ crofts and believe it should be better known. This website enables consumers to get in contact directly with crofters who are producing high quality, sustainably produced food and crafts and our members get an opportunity to add value to what they are producing. In addition, we are highlighting crofts which provide holiday accommodation so that holiday makers can stay on a genuine working croft and, if they want, learn about the crofting way of life and why it is still relevant.”
Russell Smith, a crofter from Sutherland who helped set up the website, said “People who buy croft produce or stay on a croft in the scheme are not only getting a top quality product but are also helping to support a way of life that has proved successful in retaining population in some of the most scenic and remote areas of the country. Crofting also helps to maintain the landscape through its low impact farming methods and preserves much that is good in the culture and heritage of the Highlands and Islands. Visitors can be a part of that.”