by Vanessa Lopez | May 6, 2020
Report of the in-depth study looking at the sustainable use of croft land to help meet rural housing needs commissioned by the SCF Please click here for Houses on Croft Land Study in PDF format (1 MB)
by Vanessa Lopez | May 6, 2020
A study of Crofters’ stock clubs Livestock production on land in crofting tenure has traditionally been extensive sheep and cattle enterprises, with soil type, topography and climate limiting the number of alternatives or the option to intensify the husbandry...
by Vanessa Lopez | May 6, 2020
Address given at the SCF Annual gathering in October 2011 by John MacKintosh FRAgS Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen We have just come through a period of reflection on crofting with the consultation on the Shucksmith Report (1) at its core. One of the issues that have...
by Vanessa Lopez | May 5, 2020
A study commissioned by Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) and carried out by SAC Consulting has given a positive view of prospects for a micro abattoir development for the Skye and Lochalsh area. The Scottish Government-funded report was presented to Richard Lochhead...
by Vanessa Lopez | May 5, 2020
The Crofting Law Group have published their final report on ‘The Sump’, they collected significant issues and problems within existing crofting legislation. Please read the full report here: CLG Report – PDF Document