The Silly Sheep Fibre Company


The Silly Sheep Fibre company sells knitting yarns & fibre from our flock of sheep. We have a mixed flock of sheep comprising of Shetlands, Hebrideans, Heb x Boreray, Blackface & Heb x Zwartbles. All of the ewes last year ran with 2 Shetland rams & have produced lovely lambs with stunning fleeces.

We sell at craft fairs, online and from our workshop in the original cottage on the croft. We produce a wide range of yarn weights, from Lace to Aran & carded tops, in a range of natural colours from white to black. We occasionally buy fleeces from neighbouring crofters or friends to enable us to broaden what we offer. Our dyed yarns & tops are hand dyed by us in small batches in the workshop.

If you are visiting Shetland, check our social media & website to see when the workshop is open, the sheep are very sociable! We are part of the Shetland Arts and Crafts, craft trail which will point you to towards lots of artists & crafter’s of all disciplines all over the islands.

We also have an egg cupboard at the croft gate stocked with hen & duck eggs.